

如果你认为你需要帮助支付你的大学费用,你应该申请 by completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). 你会经常 在当地的高中、大学或图书馆找到fafsa,或者你可以通过电子方式申请 在网上使用FAFSA www.fafsa.ed.政府.

The calculation which determines eligibility 对援助 is complicated. 没有什么容易的, 直接的“收入限制”或其他方法来帮助你预测你是否会 be eligible – the only way to find out for sure is to apply. 如果你的家庭环境 换句话说,如果你申请的话,经济援助办公室是在一个更好的位置来帮助你 已经存档了.

Here are estimates of how much it costs to attend various schools. 这些数字包括 9个月的学杂费和估计的食宿费、交通费、 books and supplies, and miscellaneous personal expenses. Living expenses will be adjusted down for those students living with their parents.

Public Community/Technical College $17,316
Public Four Year College/University $22,227
Public Four Year Research University $26,066
Independent Four Year College/University $46,730
私立职业学校  Cost varies - contact individual schools
You can receive financial 援助 equal to your "financial need.“经济援助不是 用来代替你家庭的教育费用,而不是 以帮助填补你的家庭可以支付的费用和你的总教育费用之间的差距. 不是基于需要的经济援助也经常提供给那些申请的人 经济资助(i).e., those who go through the application process for "need-based" 援助).

A standard analysis is used to determine financial need. 你的家庭是多少 学生资助指数(Student Aid Index,简称SAI)是根据 information reported on your FAFSA. The SAI is then subtracted from the cost of education at the school to which you're applying. The difference between the two is your need 申请经济援助.

You can estimate your SAI up front by using an online calculator at http://studentaid.Administration / aid-estimator /.

尽快联系你考虑就读的每一所学校的经济援助办公室 as possible and ask for their application procedures and deadlines. 提供所有信息 and forms by the deadlines the school specifies. If your application is late or incomplete, 你可能不会被所有可用的援助项目考虑,或者你可能不会收到 your 援助 in time to meet the tuition deadline. Don't wait to be admitted -- meet the 即使你打算等到冬天或春天才去上学,也不要等到最后期限,因为很多学校都有 deadlines apply for the whole year, 不 just fall.

从完成一份 FAFSA 在student援助.政府.  如果你不想在网上填写FAFSA,你必须打电话给联邦处理人员 并要求将纸质的FAFSA邮寄到您的家中(800- 4fedex),或者您可以打印一份 从FAFSA网站获取.  

不一定. Many schools offer admission long before they can make financial 奖学金. Check with each school about their refund policies for "enrollment fees" in case the school can不 offer you enough assistance to attend.

在完成FAFSA之前完成联邦纳税申报表是一个好主意 由于申请将需要同意直接检索准确的税务信息 来自国税局.  If this can不 be done in time for you to meet the priority filing 在你感兴趣的学校的日期,联系你学校的财务 援助 office to find out how you 应该 submit the information.

将每年的所有申请材料的副本保存在一个文件中,包括一份美国签证.S. 如果你需要向你的学校提供一份所得税申报表和w -2表格的副本.  

是的. 联邦政府认为24岁以下的学生依赖父母 法律,无论他们住在哪里(有有限的例外-请注明 FAFSA的说明). If your parents do 不 provide their information on your application, you probably can不 be considered 对援助. If you have special circumstances 这使得你的父母无法完成FAFSA,联系学校的 financial 援助 office and discuss it with them.

如果你的父母离婚了,分居了,或者从未结婚,也没有住在一起, 在过去12个月里提供更多经济支持的父母是贡献者 and must provide their information. If both parents provided an exact equal amount 经济上的支持或者如果他们不支持你,父母有 更高的收入或资产是贡献者,必须提供他们的信息.

Contact the financial 援助 office of the school you will attend. 他们可以决定 if the change will affect your eligibility 寻求帮助. 解释信 应该 与FAFSA一起发送,因为它只会延迟处理并将被销毁.

完成FAFSA后,您将收到学生援助报告(SAR)。. 这 文件可能会给你一些关于大学费用预期贡献的指导, 但这并不是最后的定论. Wait to hear from the financial 援助 office of the school or college where you've applied; they make the final determination of your eligibility 寻求帮助. You can ask the school when it expects to send out award 不ices (this may range from early spring to mid-summer).

You may be asked to provide documents to verify any item on the application. 大学 是否需要收取税务成绩单(或已签署的1040表格)以核实学生身份 以及家长的信息.  Make sure you and your parents keep a photocopy of your completed federal tax returns and W-2s used to complete the application.  学院 will 不ify you of which documents you will need.

有四种基本的援助:奖学金、助学金、贷款和勤工俭学项目. 大多数学生自然更喜欢奖学金和助学金项目,因为他们没有 必须偿还,但是否有足够的这种“礼物”援助,以满足需要 所有学生都有资格获得资助. Usually gift 援助 is offered with loans and/or work study funds which is commonly termed "self-help" 援助.

Your first contact 应该 be your high school counselor. 通常是当地组织 work with high schools to award 奖学金. Many colleges and universities offer 奖学金. Materials provided by admission or financial 援助 offices will include this information or you can visit their Web sites. There are also a number of national scholarship search services available. The majority of these services are provided 免费. 如果您选择为这些服务付费,请谨慎并确认组织 在付款前是合法的.

奖学金通常只占可用资金总额的一小部分 经济援助,所以即使你没有资格获得奖学金,你也可能获得奖学金 其他援助. 如果你希望从外部获得奖学金,这很重要 to inform the financial 援助 office.

贷款是一种经济援助,你的资格是根据以下信息确定的 联邦助学金免费申请表. The financial 援助 office is the best source of information about whether you are eligible to apply for a loan in addition to 其他援助. 可能会有额外的费用 application process and separate application form. For more information, contact your 学校的经济援助办公室.

Many students work, usually 10 to 15 hours per week. 调查显示学生 学习的学生在课堂上的表现和不学习的学生一样好,甚至更好——也许 有工作的义务要求他们更仔细地预算自己的时间. 勤工俭学有三个主要优点:(1)它能帮你还清贷款 既然工作的另一种选择往往是贷款,那么它就给了你一个机会 为了获得工作经验,这将有助于你毕业后找到工作, and (3) work study earnings are offset on future 援助 applications.

信件应该 与FAFSA一起发送,因为它只会延迟处理并将被销毁. 说明你家庭特殊情况的信件应寄至 你打算上的大学.